Learn French- Québec Government French courses are free of charge. Incentive financial assistance is also available to eligible individuals, under certain conditions.

Learn French

French is the common and official language of Quebec. Communicating in French allows you to participate fully in Quebec society, especially in the job market.

The Government of Quebec offers free French courses to all persons aged 16  and over residing in Quebec who are not subject to compulsory school attendance and who wish to receive French learning services, as well as to persons who are considering to settle in Quebec. These courses may be accompanied by financial aid under certain conditions.

If you are thinking of immigrating to Quebec, your knowledge of French will be taken into account in the selection process. For more information, see the page on the importance of French in Quebec .


Offer a French course in business

If you are a business registered in Quebec, you can offer a French learning activity or training to your staff during paid working hours.

French courses offered in Quebec

Select the type of course you are interested in.